The importance of moisture measurement is well-known; it’s a step in the manufacturing process that helps ensure product quality and performance, and can help reduce costs of shipping and handling. We’ve recently talked a lot about the different methods of measuring, most recently when used for wood products. In this post we’ll continue using wood products as our example to talk about the two most common secondary types of wood moisture meters: pin-style and pinless, and the best practices that help optimize the usefulness of these meters.
Moisture Meter Best Practices
Topics: Moisture Meter, Events
Relative Humidity vs. Real Moisture: Measuring To Maximize Product Performance
The most effective way to ensure the long-term performance of hygroscopic materials like wood (organic materials that naturally contain water) is to carefully measure and adjust moisture content to achieve an equilibrium moisture content (or EMC) before using the material in production.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products
How To Avoid Moisture Measurement Pitfalls That Can Affect Results
Topics: Moisture Meter
8 Key Elements of A Moisture Measurement Protocol
Accurately and consistently measuring moisture – in most any type of product, from plastics to potato chips – has the potential to save organizations millions of dollars a year in improved productivity, reduced waste, increased consistency and improved quality. Measuring, in and of itself, however, is of little value if the companies doing it fail to put protocols in place to ensure that the testing is done correctly and that the results are accurate, consistent, and reliable. Whether you’re in the process of establishing protocols for the first time or looking to improve those already in place, we’ve outlined the most important considerations that should be part of any practical moisture measurement protocol.
Topics: Moisture Meter
5 Reasons Manufacturing Are Thankful For NIR Moisture Analyzers
As we get closer to the forth Thursday in November, it’s the time of year when we’re challenged to stop and give thanks for all we have in our lives.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Composition Analyzer, Products
4 Steps To Consistent Packaging Quality With A Coating Thickness Gauge
Whether you’re the packaging company, manufacturer or distributor coating thickness is key to ensuring product quality, reliability and profit margins.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Coating Thickness Gauge, Events, Products
Check Out These Friction, Coating and Moisture Analyzers Demos At Pack Expo
Coming up in just a few weeks, I will be heading off PACK EXPO International 2014 in Chicago where I will be showcasing some of Kett’s cutting edge test instrumentation relevant to the packaging world.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Friction Analyzer, Coating Thickness Gauge, Moisture Analyzer, Events
How To Accurately Measure Moisture, And Avoid Curling In Packaging
Curling in packaging can be a big problem. The question of how to prevent curling in package labels is difficult but there are several options if you are facing this issue.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Moisture Analyzer, Products
How Do I Calculate The ROI When Purchasing A Moisture Meter?
Getting budget approval to invest in an accurate and reliable moisture meter can be a challenge unless you’re able to clearly demonstrate the ROI to your CFO. Please note that when I say ‘moisture meter’ I could also be saying fat/oil meter, protein meter, sugar meter or any other meter that provides organic composition measurement. The same analysis applies.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Moisture Analyzer
How To Find The Right Grain & Seed Moisture Meter To Optimize Your Profits
Topics: Moisture Meter