What is the weather like in your part of the world these days? If you are in the United States, chances are you’ve experienced some effects of the Polar Vortex, plunging the country into sub-zero temperatures. The deep freeze is affecting businesses nationwide, from manufacturers to agriculturists who are now seeking ways of coping with this unusual meteorological event.
How To Preserve Your Test Equipment Through The Polar Vortex
Topics: Moisture Meter, Polar Vortex, Products
New Year, New Resolutions, New Test Equipment
Happy New Year, we hope to be a part of helping you make 2014 a successful year!
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products
Top Ten Kett Moisture Meters and Test Equipment For 2014
This has been a year of great growth for us at Kett. We’ve expanded our Internet presence into Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn while providing weekly updates through our blog. We’ve even expanded our presence in the real world, attending trade shows and expanding our global distribution. However, none of this means anything without state-of-the art, world class instruments to back it up. Innovation is one of the most important values we hold at Kett. Every instrument is designed to meet, or exceed, global standards, which is why we make sure our updated models are implementing progressive technology. So, here’s a countdown of our top 10 models to outfit your operation in 2014.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products
How To Have A Very Kett Christmas: 4 Lessons From Santa (Incl Gifting the Perfect Moisture Meter)
Did you know that Kett’s customers and Santa Claus have a lot in common?
Consider this, Santa runs the biggest manufacturing plant on the planet, 365 days a year. And while his customer base may not offer the highest economic returns, his sole aim is to make them happy by providing the quality products that exceed their expectations. Sound familiar? Read on to discover the five things you may have in common with Chris Kringle, CEO.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products
New PR920 Instant Rice Flour Moisture Meter Perfect For Cold Weather
This year has been one of freak global weather, and this winter is no exception. Frigid temperatures have spanned the United States, freezing fingers and toes as well as roads, flights and soil across the country. It’s hard not to feel a chill just thinking about it- brrrrr!!!
Topics: Moisture Meter
Learn About The Efficiency of Kett’s New Portable Rice Huskers
The Philippines have named 2013 the National Year of Rice in their government’s bid to achieve rice self-sufficiency through the help of Filipino producers, policy-makers and consumers. As we mentioned in our Thanksgiving Blog, we’ve seen our customers champion for this cause, even in the face of a deadly typhoon. Embracing the Year of Rice, we at Kett love to see our test instruments make self-sufficiency possible. A simple moisture meter or rice whiteness analyzer allows farmers to optimize their crop yields, regulators to enforce necessary quality standards and manufacturers to ensure their raw ingredients are up to par.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Rusk Husker, Whiteness Meter
5 Reasons We’re Grateful To Our Customers This Thanksgiving
Kett customers represent some of the most important figures in the world today. They are feeding the globe’s expanding population, ensuring the safety and quality of the food that’s provided, and researching and developing novel, more sustainable processing. We supply test equipment to; food, pharmaceutical, chemical, building, manufacturing and packaging industries who make our world possible. Many are threatened with floods, typhoons, droughts, poverty and heightened industry regulations, yet they continue to show up to work, day after day, to give it their all. Which is why we decided to tell you, this Thanksgiving season, why we’re grateful for you and all that you do.
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products
5 Ways To Optimize Moisture Meters, Production & Quality This Holiday Season
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products
Learn Why Our Latest NIR Composition Analyzer Is Like The Swiss Army Knife
Topics: Composition Analyzer
Learn How To Buy (or Lease) Test Equipment In 2013 and Not Pay Anything For One Year
Topics: Moisture Meter, Products