Test Equipment and Measurement Instrument Blog

What’s New: Fiber-Optic Composition Analyzer Technology

Posted by Kett Marketing on Tue, Apr 7, 2020

When something happens in our little world of composition analyzers, we have a hard time maintaining our cool. It’s exciting when new developments refine these analyzers so that readings become quicker, more accurate and more sensitive.

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Topics: Composition Analyzer

The Importance of a Composition Analyzer in Petroleum-Based Products

Posted by Kett Marketing on Tue, Jul 23, 2019

Nearly everything today is made with petroleum. From antifreeze, shampoo, and denture adhesive, to house paint, detergent, and contact lenses, petroleum exists in so many of our daily household products, including various forms of fuels and lubricants. It’s everywhere.

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Topics: Composition Analyzer

Composition Analysis is Radically Changing the Food Processing Industry: Here’s How

Posted by Kett Marketing on Tue, Apr 30, 2019

The food processing industry is an ever-changing market. As consumers’ views on food change, those who create that food must change along with them. In an increasingly nutritionally-minded world, the need for composition analyzers is growing as well, in order to provide exact, nutritional information about the food that is being produced.

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Topics: Composition Analyzer

How a Composition Analyzer Provides the Pharmaceutical Industry Precision and Security

Posted by Kett Marketing on Thu, Apr 25, 2019

Few industries require as much care for precision and security as the pharmaceutical industry. Every part of production, and each singular end result must be made with the utmost accuracy and attention to each minute detail. How can you trust that each product— every tablet or capsule— is safe to use and will work as intended? By using a composition analyzer.

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Topics: Composition Analyzer

A Moisture Meter Comparison: Loss on Drying versus Near Infrared Meters

Posted by Kett Marketing on Tue, Apr 9, 2019

Selecting the right moisture meter for your needs can be a tricky task. Exactly what kind of moisture meter is right for you? Do you need something portable? An in-line moisture meter? Will it have multiple uses, and therefore multiple necessary calibrations? How much time do you have allotted for a moisture reading?

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Topics: Moisture Meter, Moisture Balance, Composition Analyzer, Events, Products

5 Reasons Manufacturing Are Thankful For NIR Moisture Analyzers

Posted by John Bogart on Wed, Nov 26, 2014

As we get closer to the forth Thursday in November, it’s the time of year when we’re challenged to stop and give thanks for all we have in our lives.

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Topics: Moisture Meter, Composition Analyzer, Products

5 Ways NIR Technology Help Save Money And Improve Profits

Posted by John Bogart on Tue, May 20, 2014

When deciding on the best moisture measurement technology for your business, it’s important not to make a decision purely based on the purchase price of the instrument. Weighing up the benefits and how these can impact both efficiencies and profits is key to a long-term successful acquisition.

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Topics: Moisture Meter, Composition Analyzer

4 Key Highlights From Analytica By An NIR Analyzer Specialist

Posted by John Bogart on Wed, Apr 9, 2014

I’ve just returned from an incredible experience meeting hundreds of scientists and industrial professionals at Analytica, the International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis and Biotechnology in Munich, Germany. It’s never simple to compete against 1,100 exhibitors. However, it’s a little easier when you are in the country of the Hoffbrauhaus… I always underestimate how much scientists love their beer!

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Topics: Moisture Meter, Moisture Analyzer, Composition Analyzer, Products

How To Get Answers To Your Measurement Instrument Questions [NEW FAQ FORUM]

Posted by John Bogart on Thu, Mar 27, 2014

How does an NIR analyzer work? What are the benefits of a desktop moisture analyzer versus a portable one? Can I test a specific moisture analyzer on the process line before purchasing? What is the best test instrument that will work for my unique requirements?

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Topics: Moisture Meter, Composition Analyzer, Products

Do You Measure Moisture Or Composition At Your Lab? Jaw Dropping Lessons Learned At Pittcon

Posted by Elizabeth Becker on Mon, Mar 17, 2014

As the voice of Kett on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, I am familiar with our products, but have had little opportunity to interact with our customers. So, John Bogart, Kett’s CEO, invited me to find out more at my first tradeshow. I had no idea what to expect as I boarded the plane heading from Denver to Chicago to join John Bogart, our Japanese colleagues and several thousand analytical chemists at Pittcon14.

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Topics: Moisture Meter, Composition Analyzer, Events

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