Kett NewsRoom

Kett Demonstrating instant coatweight and moisture measurement instruments @PackExpoShow

Written by Kett Marketing | Tue, Sep 19, 2017 @ 20:09 PM

Next week, long-time supporter of the Pack Expo, Kett Test and Measurement Instrumentation will be exhibiting their latest technology, and getting up to date with what’s new in the world of Packaging technology and measurement.

Bringing together 2,000+ exhibitors and 30,000 attendees from virtually every vertical market, PACK EXPO Las Vegas is indisputably the year's most comprehensive packaging event on the continent and the one that powers innovation like no other.

You'll be able to find Kett at booth #S-5857 demonstrating their instant, non-destructive, coatweigtht measurement as well as portable, desktop and process moisture, composition, friction and thickness analyzers.

John Bogart, Managing Director, Kett is looking forward to heading to Nevada for the event and had this to say,“This is our 7th show and I am looking forward to meeting product engineers, design engineers, packaging managers and product managers who are looking for reliable, and easy to use instrumentation for their product and packaging quality control needs.  We offer solutions for online, inline, desktop and portable applications."


Packaging is so much more than simply "boxing" a product.  Kett understands what must be critically measured to avoid quality problems caused from too much moisture or the wrong amount of adhesive. Moisture and coatweight measurement are integral to packaging and maintaining product integrity, which is why Kett continues to have such a strong presence at Pack Expo.

John continued “I always like to see what new processes and products been developed since the last show. It’s important that we continue to move forward by staying up to date with industry trends and customers’ needs.” 

At the last show over 30,000 attendees from 40+ vertical industries visited the Expo and saw live demonstrations of the latest machinery and materials, learned about global packaging trends and technologies, and mingled with the world’s leading suppliers and industry experts including Kett test and measurement instrumentation specialists.

John and his staff are looking forward to sharing their expertise, talking with industry peers, meeting new and old customers and, in particular, demonstrating Kett’s unique instant, non-destructive, coatweight analyzers as well as portable instruments: moisture analyzers, friction testers and handheld thickness gauges. Learn more here

“We will be in booth S-5857 with a great range of products to see so please stop by to discuss how we can help improve your product quality, and your bottom line.” Says John.

If you would like to schedule a meeting or live demonstration at Pack Expo, please click here.